How to achieve immorality through your dreams?
Magic is not always the exact science, though it can be.
In the case of Morilon, you cannot expect from him to teach you anything about the exact sciences, because he is a master of dreams.
What he can teach you about, besides guiding you through his dreamworld, is to open you up to some fantasies and imaginations, which might not be realistic to achieve in this world, and yet can give you inspiration to say, write or think about something new and unique.
At least, you would be able to write hundreds of different stories and fairytales by Morilon’s help if you become his friend.
Back to the point of this topic. Morilon is suggesting that there is a probable way to obtain immortality through our dreams.
Does he mean this for real or is it just his fantasy? Maybe he is just giving you a good suggestion for a plot of a science fiction or maybe a horror movie?
If you ask him such questions or to be more precise, he won’t talk about it.
He is just giving ideas…because that is what he has always being doing. And you can have countless ideas thanks to him.
But again back to the topic. How can we obtain this immortality through our dreams according to Morilon?
I think most of us have experienced to wake up from our dreams just to find out that we actually woke up in a wrong reality. Then it would usually take some time for us to understand that we were still dreaming. Then we would wake up again, but then it would also sometimes happen that we would still be somewhere in our dreams.
This can continue for several more times, until we would finally wake up into our world’s reality.
All of those places wherein we falsely woke up, are actually realms which are very close to our world’s reality and that is why we also get so much confused when we find out that we are still in our dreams and not here where we belong to.
But is this really where we belong to?
Well, this is just a beginning of this part of Morilon’s mysteries about immortality, because he is also suggesting, but in his own characteristic way, that you really can wake up into a wrong reality and then embrace it as it is yours.
For instance, if a person is sure about his or her soon death here, they can still continue their lives in that other reality if they just learn how to wake up there.
Practically, they can do it all the time…Whenever we are about to die, we would just wake up in a similar and a bit wrong dimension.
This is not the end of Morilon’s story about immortality.
He is asking:
– Are you totally sure that it already has never before happened to you to wake up in a wrong reality? What if you already did wake up in a wrong reality? Look at your life. Are you sure that this reality is yours?
It is so much different than you supposed it would be. That I am sure about. How much do you have in a common with that boy you were when you were 5 years old?
People are talking about this Mandela effect, but according to Morilon it could be explainable, through us waking up in a different place than we were born into.
But is Morilon joking? Is it really possible to be eternal through dreams?
Certainly, Morilon will never directly tell.
And I think that Deep Purple quite nicely depicted the King of Dreams through these lyrics:
I’m a real smooth dancer, I’m fantasy man
Master of illusion, magic touch in my hand
All the stages are empty when I steal the scenes
A beggar of love, second hand hero…King of Dreams….