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- 49 Vehuel
- Morning Conjuration for Blessed Saturday
- Asinel – The Earth Zone, Good Luck
- Kathim – Fruit – Earth Zone
- Metatron
- Strange Photo from Burma
- Banning Magical Formulae
- Enochian Hierarchy Related to the Aethyrs
- Chronozon
- Emvatibe and his Counter-Genius – Moon Magic
- 72 Counter-Genii
- Amzhere and his Counter-Genius
- Water Magic – When it Goes Wrong – A few Thoughts and Observations
- Air in Magic – Dangers
- Fire Magic when it Goes Wrong – Some Thoughts and Examples
- Names of 360 Heads Bardon vs. Abremaline
- TEX Governor Doziaal – Enochian Magic
- Egyptian Duat
- Coffin Texts
- Aduorpt, a Queen of TEX – Enochian Magic
- Lunatics
- Heavenly Judges
- Apocalypse of Fire and Water
- Blacksmiths
- The Edict of Thessalonica
- The Last Pythia
- The Angel of Temperance
- The Spirit of a Young Doctor
- Mimosah – The Earth Zone, Justice
- Spirit of Tolstoy
- Several Spirits of Nature
- Guardian Angels of the Gate of the East Winds
- Hermetic Mystery – Theft of Royal Cattle
- Lunar Angels in Enochian Magic
- Kircher’s Diagram of Universal Truth
- Chariot of Fire Mysteries
- The Stone of Wisdom
- Allegory of the Cave, Plato and Politicians
- Saturn
- Hermes in Augsburg – Part 2
- Hermes in Augsburg
- Giordano Bruno and 28 Lunar Mansions
- Ammonius Sacca
- Plotinus
- Diana
- Department against the Schemers
- Department for Demons and Monsters
- Wanderers
- Ghosts in the Yugoslav Embassy in Pyongyang
- Marcellina
- Isidora Dundjerski and The Spirits of Tarot
- Quicksilver of Philosophers
- Nestorians in China
- Taoists’ Departments
- Taoist’s Punishing Department
- Taoists and Nature
- 30 Aethyrs – My Talisman
- Giordano Bruno and Hermetism
- Shanghai – Past Life
- Agrippa and the Snake
- Agrippa and Neo-Platonism
- Hermetism and Christianity
- Aduorpt – Enochian Magic
- When People Cursed the Angels
- Hermes and Agathodaimon as Alchemists
- Picco della Mirandola and Alchemy
- Zosimus and Alchemy
- Ancient Mysteries
- Demiurge
- Hermes Trismegistus and first Christian theologicians
- Hermes Trismegistus and Arabian Heritage
- De Cyrano Bergerac and The Language of the Birds
- Byzantine Hermetists
- Benvenuto Cellini and Air Spirits
- Gerolamo Cardano and Air Spirits
- Socrates’ Death
- Aiwaz and Crowley
- A Cool Pope
- LIXIPSP – Enochian Magic
- Tirol
- Cochabiel
- Beyond Saturn
- Helen Piper, an American Clairvoyant from Shanghai
- Neolith Rituals’ Mysteries
- Origen and 3 Bodies of Book
- Hermes as God
- Hermes Trismegistus as a Man
- Sandalphon
- Ariel
- Spirit of Rock and Roll
- Michael, Mehiel, Mihael, Mihel and Mikael
- The Spirit of Copper
- Hesiod and his Muse
- Confucianism in North Korea
- Poemandres – Shepherd of Men – Nous
- Duat
- Shekina and Sophia
- Sabbath
- Jesus Christ The Magician
- Nous