Some of the early Christian theologicians tramsformed Hermes Trismegistus into Devil, while some others accepted him as a benevolent spirit with many Christian values.
Clement from Alexandria (about 150–about 215) shows the deepest respect to Hermes comparing his Logos with Christ’s Logos.
Lactancius (250-320) writes that Hermes Trismegistus was Egyptian prophet who lived not long after the time of Moses. He also says that Hermes Trismegistus was a forerunner of Christianity who found the whole and full truth.
St. Augustine (354-430) confirms that Hermes Trismegistus lived in “ancient times,” but he judges him for magical practicing of moving statues with magical formulae and invocations. St. Augustine thinks that Hermes Trismegistus did not receive his prophecy from God, but from Devil.
Sulpicius Severus (about 363-about 425) says that Satan prefers to take a shape of Mercury.
Martianus Capella (V century) writes in “De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae” that Mercury represents eloquence, love, understanding, wisdom and 7 free arts. When he is together with Philology they are perfect. When they are separated they are doomed to sterility. In that case Philology has nothing to say, while Mercury doesn’t know how to express himself.
Isidorus from Seville (560-636) writes in “Etymologiarum sive libri XX” that Hermes was the first inventor of illusions and musical instruments, such as flute and lyre.