I am Nenad – Magician, Author, Musician …
Explore The Earth Zone With Me.

My story of travelling through the Earth Zone
Throughout this blog you will see my discoveries, what I have learned and what I have brought back with from this journey into the Earth Zone and beyond.
Read my blog posts to catch up with my story, this is something you can do to, I write here and in my books to inspire others to begin their own journey, the Spirits are ready and waiting for us.
Recent Blog Post
My blog posts document my journey, I also give you a sneak preview of what is to come in my books.

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We may include information on other books available from Nenad and other authors at Falcon Books Publishing
Featured Books
The four book series is the most detailed account of the Spirits from the Earth Zone since Franz Bardon gave us PME

Volume 1 of 360 Heads of the Earth Zone

Volume 2 of 360 Heads of the Earth Zone

Eleifend, provident urna vivamus vitae tortor.

Auctor aperiam ante repellat atque, facilis Sint.
Reader’s Thoughts

I am not sure people realize how huge Nenad’s achievement is, not just to have evoked the 360 Spirits but also managed to capture such important information in a book. This is Gold!

The information is alive and made of magnetic tunnels ran through by electric awareness. These books are cosmic networks, an open ticket to a truly universal university.

These books will outlive all of us and I believe go on to become modern day classics. This is just the beginning of seeing the impact these books will make.