Adonai is one of the most important God’s names. Translated into English, it is usually Lord, but it is by some also understood as Supreme Teacher. It is a plural version of Adon, which in Hebrew also means Lord. The Jews often substituted IHVH with Adonai. Very often it is also written as Adonay. This name of God interchangeably appears in either form Adonai or Adonay even sometimes by the same author in the same book. Whatever written form it takes, it has the same meaning, powers and effects. According to Jewish lore, God first asked Moses if he wished to know his name, and then explained that when he is merciful towards his world, he is called Adonai. (Midrash on the names of God). Book of Soyga tells that Adonai is always Lord of Lords. This book adds that Adonai is the name of The Living King of Israel. Book of Three Souls describes Adonai as The King of Kings, Glorious God.
Greek Magical Papyri often mention Adonai in texts of ritual power. In those texts, Adonai is Father of All making the whole nature trembling because of him (PGM I, 1), associated with the supreme deity (PGM 1:28), used to conjure a supreme heavenly power (PGM 1: 38; GMPT: 22), self-taught, untutored (PGM III, 1.220), helps with good memory (PGM 1: 52; GMPT: 31), Lord of the World, the one who hides stars and controls the heaven (PGM IV, 1. 485), the One Only-Begotten (PGM IV, 1. 1589), the greatest in heaven (PGM IV, 1), associated with the Headless One (PGM 1: 186), the master of gods identified with Zeus (PGM V, ll), the one who was cast out because of his violent anger (PGM VII, l), the master of shapes (PGM XII, l), the oracle-giving god (PGM VIII, 1, 102), the one who sits upon the lotus (PGM XII, 1), and the true name of the highest of the gods (PGM XXXIIa, 11). Additionally, in Greek Magical Papyri, it was often used in love spells, against vermin, to stop the blood to flow, against the sickness, against the bad weather, against male and female demons, to protect the house, etc. The Gnostics linked the Sun to Adonai. The Sun was called Adonai by Origen.
Adonai appears in a Christian hymn “O come, O come, Emmanuel” for Advent and Christmas. The text was originally written in Latin and its origin is over 1,200 years ago. This name of God occurs in the Mirror of the causes of all things which can be found in R. Fludd’s book Integrum Morborum Mysterium (1631). Adonai (and alternatively Adonai Malek and Adonai Ha Aretz) governs Malkuth.
Adonai is one of the most frequently used name of God in magical practices. Most lists of God’s names include the name Adonai. It is one of the names of God from Legameton, from The Enchiridion of Leo III, the 6th of 72 names of God from Grimoire of Honorius, one of the 25th most holy names of God from The Sworn Book of Honorius, and also the 33th God’s name from The 6th and 7th Books of Moses. This book explains that Adonai is “who hast appointed the sea her bounds which she cannot pass”. Adonai also appears in Ars Almadel and in a prayer from The Sacred Magic of Abremalin the Mage.
Adonai is a very important name in ceremonial magic. In the Excerpt from The True Key of Solomon and of the Gridle of Aron from The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, you must stand upon a prominent rock, hold a palm-twig in your right hand, and wear a wreath of laurel around the temple. Then turn toward the East and say Adonai. Many different magical circles include Adonai as one of their written Divine names. For example, Adonai appears in the circle from Heptameron and also in many versions of magical circles from different editions of The Key of Solomon. This book also tells that Adonai should be written behind the magician’s crown, while Liber Jurati instructs that Adonai should be written in the sword. There are also different kinds of seals of Adonai. The seal of Adonai, mentioned in The Lesser Key of Solomon, can be used to evoke spirits, for tarot readings and for any other kind of spiritual work. Adonai appears in the Seal 3 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus, which also instructs that it should be written in the silken clothes in which magical instruments should be wrapped in and put away after the work. According to Grimoire Verum, Adonai should be mentioned in Orison of the Stones and in Orison of the Pen of the Art. Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the ink, pen and colors ritual.
Adonai brings the extraordinary protection against all kinds of dangers, enemies, traitors, demons and curses. The Enchiridion of Leo III lists it as the first of the 72 sacred names of God affording protection from enemies and dangers by travelling by land and sea. Adonai appears in a sigulla for the emergency call at any time. It is also mentioned in the Centerbury amulet for protection of any kinds of danger from the 13th century. Necromonicon’s Spellbook tells that this name is useful for obtaining information about a theft by gazing into a fingernail. It is also mentioned in a Dutch conjuration against the conflagration.
Though it is not Adonai’s specialty, it can also bring wealth. The Necromancer’s Handbook (Clm 849: Fols 3r-108v) instructs that Adonai should be used to evoke Vsyr, Salaul, Silitor, Demor, Zanno, Syrtroy, Risbel, Cutroy, Lytay, Onor, Moloy, Pumotor, Tami, Oor, and Ym, in order to obtain Castle. It can be found again in the same book in Very powerful conjuration for treasures hidden by men or spirits. Verus Jesuitarum Libellus instructs that by this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold. For this purpose Tehor is specifically conjured in this seal.
In magical tradition, this name was given to Adam, Moses and Solomon. In Ars Notoria it is mentioned that God spoke to Solomon by that name. In the second conjuration from The Lesser Key of Solomon, Adonai was named by Moses, by which locusts appear to devour all land. In another similar story, when Moses invoked this name, so great a quantity of locusts appeared in the land of Egypt, that they devoured and swallowed up all that the hail had spared. In Sepher Raziel, Adonai belongs to the seventh set of Shemhamphoras given to Adam. There it should be used in each thing, in all work and time, and with the four elements. Adonai is also mentioned in the same set from The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, but there it should be named in the beginning of each undertaking. It is also shown up in the same position in Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras Salomonis regis.
Adonai is one of the magician’s most favorite names of God in evocations. By Adonai are invoked planetary angels, archangels, spirits of the elements, and fairies. The Key of Solomon also gives this instruction: “Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai!” In a ritual based on a manuscript written by the German Chassidim Chassidey Ashkenaz in the late 14th Century, by Adonai the Prince of Dreams is evoked. The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses instructs that this God’s name should be spoken in the conjuration of the Jupiter intelligence Bethor. Adonai is inscribed in the Third Pentacle of Jupiter, the Third Pentacle of Venus, the Fourth Pentacle of the Sun and the First Pentacle of Saturn. According to Heptameron, Adonai should be named in the conjuration of Sunday and Michael, Monday and Gabriel, Tuesday and Samael, Wednesday and Raphael, Thursday and Sachiel, Friday and Aniel, and Saturday and Cassiel. Samael Aun Weor tells in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic that it should be said in exorcism for Monday, Friday and Saturday. Grimoire of Armadel presents the Character of Zadkiel, in which Adonao is written. It also appears in the Characters of Samael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel. It is also mentioned in a ceremony to conjure a fairy Elaby Gathen. Adonai appears in the First Table of the Spirits of the Air and the Third Table of the Spirits of Water. The air spirit Eead and the water spirit Yeschaijah should be conjured in the name of Adonai.
This name’s great power makes it also a good choice for the magicians when they by purpose or accidentally deal with demons, malicious spirits and darker forces in general. The Key of Solomon instructs that Adonai should be named in order to commend demons .Dr. Faustus Harrowing of Hell tells that you should mentioned Adonai when you enter the circle. According to D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes, Marbuel is conjured with Adonai. This Divine name is used in conjuration of Lucifer in Praxis Magica Faustiana. The Necromancer’s Handbook instructs that Adonia should be mentioned in evocations of Lilith, as well as in also in conjuration of Brimer, Suburith, Tranauit in the rite for resuscitating a dead person. (Clm 849: Fols 3r-108v). Pseudomonarchia Daemonum advises to name Adonai to evoke all the spirits thrown down from heaven, so that they give a true answer of all of your demands and satisfy all your requests, without harming your body or soul. It also appears in Universal conjuration of evil and accursed Serpent from Grimoire of Honorius. This book also instructs that it should be used in evocation of Lucifer, Bechard and Surgat.. It is mentioned in Grand Clavicle in the context of making a pact with Lucifage. In Black Dragon Grimoire Adonai is used for conjurations and evocations of spirits. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named when the spirits makes visible appearance. This name of God is also used in necromancy by Wilhelm Quintscher (Book of Formulas).
Adonai is also one of favourite options for the the magicians when they are about to exorcise malicious spirits. For example, The True Petition of the Jesuits and Joshua Stopford (Pagano Papismus, 1675) tell that this very powerful name should be mentioned in the exorcism of evil spirits. The Key of Solomon instructs that Adonai should be named in the Accomplishment of unusual operation, in the Exorcism of the water, in the Exorcism of the fire, and in order to commended demons. According to this and many other grimoires, a spirit should be dismissed with the name of Adonai.
Adonai is used in the rituals of several of the high degrees of Free Masonry. In the Golden Down, Adonai is also used in the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram for Earth and is vibrating to the South. In the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, this name is associated with Fire and is vibrated to the South. After the fire of Adonai descended upon him, Aliester Crowley wrote The Book of the Spirit of the Living God. In Thelema it sometimes refers to the Holy Guardian Angel. It is also mentioned in the O.T.O First degree ritual. Chic Cicero (Tarot Talismans) associates Adonai with the Hierophant, the Devil, the Hermit, the World, and the Ace of Pentacle in Tarot.
It is the last word in the phrase Ata Gibor Leolam Adonay (Ateh Gibor Le-olam Adonai) – which form a phrase that means, “You are Mighty for Eternity Lord.” There are many variations and forms of Adonai. The list includes: Adonaios, Adni, Adonai Elohim Tzabaoth Shaddai, Adonai Melek, Adonath Malakh, Adonai – ha – Aretz, Addonai Sabaoth, Adonai Shaddai, Adonai Sadday, Addonay Amiora, Adonay Cados, Adonay Cados Amara, Adonay Sabaoth, Adonay Zebeoth, Adonay Saday, Adone Ha-Adonim, Adonnu, Adoy, Pah Adonai and Ydoanai.
Adonael is the angelic bearer of this name. In the Testament of Solomon, one of seven archangels, and the angel who has the power to thwart the demon Methathiax and Bobel, who cause diseases.
Image: The magical circle from Heptameron.