Nenad Talerman

What Happens to a Planet, Star or Moon, when it dies?

In the Western Occult tradition, each planet posses a spirit. The name of Venus’ spirit, according to Agrippa, responsible for the planet’s benevolent influences, is Kedemel. When Venus die, what will happen to her spirit? Will it live on? Is it immortal? Well, if our human spirits are immortal, I cannot see why planetary spirits …

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Abbetira (22° Leo) – The Earth Zone – Business with Your Friends

Abbetira looks like a Chinese emperor from the Tang dynasty. He always smiles and he is always in a good mood. This very friendly spirit looks like a man, but his nature and origin are not human, which can be best seen in his eyes which have very interesting purple colour. Abbetira’s subordinate spirits helps …

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Lunar plants and animals

The magician may use the following oils to connect to the Moon: lavender, camphor, amber, white sandalwood, jasmine, ilang-ilang, iris rooth and eucalyptus. Alister Crowley associates all opiate perfumes with the Moon. William Lilly says that lunar vegetables are: cabbage, lentil, beans, cucumber, pumpkin, gourd and carrot. Some magicians find beneficial to eat lunar vegetables …

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