Nenad Talerman

Celestial religion from the perspective of Shem angels

All Shem angels teach about celestial religions, angelic liturgies, angelic temples, holy places, blessed souls and saints. Among them, Mebaiah, Daniel and Pahaliah are the main guardians of the genuine priests from the Earth Zone. They give strong support to magicians on their own religious paths and they are ready to reveal all secrets which …

Celestial religion from the perspective of Shem angels Read More »

10 Steps to Divine Providence and God’s hand somewhere in the Middle

Steps to Divine Providence So, there are 10 steps to Divine Providence, but the saying goes, if you make a halfway, God will give you his hand to pull you through the other half. Where does God’s hand appear? Many would say on the Sun. However, it does not need to be on the Sun. …

10 Steps to Divine Providence and God’s hand somewhere in the Middle Read More »

Shemhamphorash angels and their seals and sigils

The following sets of seals and sigils have so far been used for evocations of the Shem angels: 1. Sigils from Antoine-René d’Argenson’s “The Arsenal 2495 Manuscript”. D’Argeson gave a powerful warning against those sigils: “This magic is so dark and terrible that it cannot be more than that”. His manuscript was one of the …

Shemhamphorash angels and their seals and sigils Read More »