Nenad Talerman


Planets are living beings. As human being has a spirit and intelligence, so each planet has its highest spirit and its highest intelligence too. There is one intelligence on Mercury who is above all other intelligence and its name is Tiriel. It is responsible for all benevolent influences of Mercury. Letters of its name can …

Tirol Read More »


John, the author of the Apocalypses, saw seven angels standing in front of God. Therearfter, many people have tried to identify those seven angels, but they only agreed about the identity of three of them: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The great magician Agrippa offered a total different approach with identifying those seven angels, in his …

Cochabiel Read More »

Helen Piper, an American Clairvoyant from Shanghai

Helen Piper, an American clairvoyant saved many lives during the Japanese invasion of Shanghai in 1937. Helen Piper, a 58 year-old American clairvoyant, palmist, and nurse, calmly tended wounded Chinese, though Japanese planes roared overhead, dropping bombs within 300 yards of her house. Madame Piper refused to lose faith in her clairvoyant powers, which, she …

Helen Piper, an American Clairvoyant from Shanghai Read More »