Nenad Talerman

Hermes Trismegistus as a Man

A hundred years before the cult of Hermes Trismegistus appeared in Egypt, an adviser to the Macedonian king Cassander, Euhemerus wrote an influential book called Sacred History (Hiera Anagraphê) in which he argued that the Greek gods were originally kings, heroes, conquerors or benefactors of mankind., who received the status of deities posthumously for their …

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I have heard people asking many questions about Aziel. People are often confused. To some Aziel is their guardian angel, but to others he is a fallen angel. Who is Aziel then? It depends. When you say, it depends, people usually ask you to be more specific. So this article is meant to hopefully clarify …

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The British Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge, compiled in his book Egyptian Heaven and Hell, in 1905, very detailed detailed account of Egypt’s otherworldly areas based on the various sources available. Accordingly, Duat is divided into 12 areas, one for each night hour. A fairly detailed description of this world is preserved in the Book …

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