Saturday is a great day to have a rest from the previous working days, so it is ideal time to spend it together with your family, take care of older relatives, study, make plans and contemplate about your future and your upcoming old age. Saturn, the god of Saturday, once reigned over a lost golden age, a time without sorrow. Even though this reign is gone forever for others, there is nothing stopping you to conjure the golden age so that at least you can be blessed with it together with your family. In order to achieve that, you should perform one or all of those magical operations on Saturday, which are best to be done early in the Saturn magical hour.
– Morning Conjuration
– Conjuration of Archangel Tzafkiel for blessed Saturday
– Conjuration of Saturn for blessed Saturday
– Meditation on Binah for blessed Saturday
Morning conjuration of Saturday
In this article we will take a closer look at the Morning Conjuration.
– Procedure –
Just after waking up, after a short meditation, open your eyes and say:
“ I ask You God to bless this Saturday for me with your most mighty and powerful names of Acim, Adonai, Adonai Elohim, Eie, El, Eye, Eyu, Ima, IO, Ja, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Sabaoth, Sar, Shaddai, and Va.”
After performing the bath ritual, take something black to wear during this day, to attract the most efficient energies in the line of your conjuration. Additionally, put on a silver ring or other peace of silver jewellery.
- A few Divine names mentioned in this conjuration
Other names:
– Acim -The 21st God’s name, according to The Sixth and Seventh Moses Book. It could be related to Nelekael. Heptameron instructs that Acim should be named in the conjuration of Saturday and Cassiel. Samael Aun Weor tells in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic that it should be said in exorcism for Saturday.
– Ima – The 17th God’s name related to Lauviah, according to The Sixth and Seventh Moses Book. The magician may learn a lot about Binah from this mysterious angel. He is the teacher of the pure essence of cosmic music. This is one of 41 names from the Visi Noam prayer (the last verse from Psalm 90, followed by the full Psalm 91) which should be prayed seven times daily. According to Heptameron, Ina or Ima should be named in the conjuration of Saturday and Cassiel. Its alternate spelling that appears in that book is Ina. Samael Aun Weor tells in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic that it should be said in exorcism for Saturday.
-IO – This name also appears in The Eight Book of Moses which tells that it refers to the Only God. Samael Aun Weor tells in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic that it should be said in exorcism for Saturday.
– Sar – According to Heptameron, Sar should be named in the conjuration of Saturday and Cassiel. Samael Aun Weor tells in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic that it should be said in exorcism for Saturday. This name of God is mentioned in evocation from The Forbidden Grimoire of Harut and Marut. Spirits are thunderstruck by this name, so to it they respond. It is also mentioned in the Segullah to be heard.