Shem Angel Magical links through crystals, stones and ores
Magicians who are advanced in Shem magic can associate each of the 72 Shem angels to their relevant favourite crystal or gemstone.
Those are my suggestions:
Veuhiah Carnelian – Fire magic. It also has ability to heal other stones
Jeliel Aquamarine – Water magic. It helps with meditation, calmness and inner love
Sitael Blue topaz – Air magic. Helps with psychic abilities and communication with higher-self and spirit-guides
Elemiah Malachite – Earth magic -earth element healing crystal
Mahasiah Petrified wood for earth, lepidolite for air, garnet for fire and amazonite for water. Magic of four elements
Lelahel – Smoky quartz – increases fertility and balances sexual energy – Fire opal – creative and sexual passion
Achaiah Rock – Sacred geography
Kahetel Amber – Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Activates a person’s altruistic nature and spiritualizes the intellect. Magic of plants
Aziel Amethyst – Magic of peace
Aladiah Quartz (Rutilated) – powerful quartz for healing
Lauviah Pyrite and lava -Protection in general and in wartime
Hahaiah Tourmaline and jet pyrite, lava – magical protection against enemies
Jezalel Fluorite – air magic and magic of communication.
Mebahel Hematite and justice – Magic of justice
Hariel Blue Lapis lazuli – Magic of cabala
Hakamiah – Titanite – Abundance and prosperity
– Lead – Jupiter Magic
Lanoiah/Lauviah/Leviah Violet crystals – Magic of art
Kaliel Opal – Magical formulae
Leuviah Labradorite – clears the mind. Magic of Intellectual Powers
Pahaliah Selenite and anandalite Magic of Celestial Religions
Nelekael – Alexandrite
– Emerald Magic of Hermes Trismegistus
Jeiaiel/Ieiaiel Lead – Saturn magic
Melahel Mercury – Mercury Magic
Hahuiah Meteorite – Enhances connection with extraterrestrial energies and expands awareness. Magic Beyond Saturn and Planetary Influences.
Nith-Haiah Crystal quartz
Haaiah Apatite – removes guilt and what is unwanted and unnecessary
Jerathel Ruby – Refines lower passions and banishes the sense of limitation. Magic of Favours from Very Important Pople.
Seeiah Obsidian – protection and strength
Reiiel Mica- Clarity in visions and spirituality and look at a situation in complete detail. Magic of Truth
Omael Green aventurine – good luck stone for children – Magic of children
Lekabel Fire agate – love magic
Vasariah Sardonyx – protection, strength, courage, happiness and communication. Magic of Protection
Kevakiah Iron – Mars Magic
Menadel Calcite – astral projection. Magic of Astronomy and Astrology
Aniel Quartz – Magic of life mission
Haamiah Lapis lazuli – inner wisdom
Rehael Chrysoprase and pearl – family magic
Ieiazel Hematite – Magic of materialization and manifestation
Hahahel Moldavite – extraterrestrial sources. Its airy quality opens up the individual to the highest of influences. Akasha magic
Mikael Tiger’s eye – ground, focus, personal p owers and will. Magic of power and personal authority
Veubiah Staurolite – Talismanic Magic
Ielahiah Pink quartz – love, creativity and self-confidence
Sealiah Gold – Solar magic
Ariel Calcite – astral magic
Asaliah Kyanite – creative expression, communication, truth and astral travel. Magic of scrying.
Mihael Sulphur and Mercury -alchemy
Vehuel Turquoise – reveals ancient wisdom, knowledge and reveals future and past lives. Magic of divination.
Daniel Rodochrosite – Divine love and Divine Mercy
Hahasiah Onyx – psychopomps
Imamiah Amazonite – gives joy and heals depression
Nanael Green jasper – magic of animals
Nithael Copper – Venus Magic
Mebaiah Garnet – Eases depression and sexual imbalance and heals fertility
Poiel Citrine, peridot and green aventurine – Magic of luck
Nemamiah Sugilite and corals- Cryptic people, animals and plants
Jeialel Selenite – The crossroad of magical initiations
Harahel Beryl – Stimulates the mind and intellect
Mizrael Pyrite – manifestation, protection and abundance. Magic of crafts.
Umabel Pearls – Helps you to forgive others and makes you more resistant to irritation. Magic of Friendship.
Jah-Hel Howlite and red jasper – Magic of teaching
Anianuel Diamond – Magic of wealth
Mehiel Gold topaz – Here and now. Inspires the individual. Individual magic.
Dambabiah Silver – Moon Magic
Manakel Herkimer diamond -Dream Magic.
Eiaiel Moonstone – Magic of agriculture
Habuiah/Habuhiah Chrysolite – Protection against black magic and evil spirits
Rochel Peridot – purity and morality. Magic of ethics, prudence, virtues and dignity
Jabamaih Marcasite – Wisdom, expression and meditation. Magic of Symbols
Haiel Sapphire – Ceremonial Magic
Mumiah Jade – longevity stone. Mummial Magic.
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