Franz Bardon mentioned Adam and Eve while he was describing in his very advanced 9th step how to load talismans, amulets and gems for mago-sexual operations, but he also warns:
“The expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise finds its highest symbolism here. The magician who dares to approach the highest of all practices has to master the upper as well as the lower streams in order to transfer the loading eventually into his talisman. To dishonor this sacred act by carnal desires would mean to repeat the fate of Adam and Eve who were no longer allowed to enjoy the fruits of Paradise. The intuitive magician will understand without difficulty how great this symbolism is and will agree with me if I stick to my duty of secrecy about the greatest of all mysteries.”
Adam and Eve are an important and integral parts of western magical tradition.
A very interesting Gnostic book, called The Apocryphon of John (The Secret Book of John or The Secret Revelation of John), which was fortunately discovered in the mid of 20th century, mentions the names of about 100 angels who were present at the time when God Yaldabaoth decided to create Adam.
This book was banned by the Church and later forgotten, because it is gnostic and obviously also magical.
Well, anyway, those 100 angels were not only present at the time of the creation of Adam, but each one of them also created an organ.
It all started, interestingly with Raphael, who was the first to start working creating the head. In this work, he was mentioned as Raphao. He is certainly even today one of many magician’s favourite spirits in terms of healing.
Other angels created other parts of Adam’s body, so let’s mention a few examples.
Bano created the lungs. Anemisaler created spleen. Arachetopi created the right rib. Ararim created the left shoulder joint. Areche created the belly. Balbel created the fingers of the left hand. Banen-Ephroun created the lips. And so on…
Adam and Eve’s life in Eden was very magical, but this is not a part of this article. Let’s move on to the time after their expulsion from Eden.
From the part of the Bible that describes Adam’s life after Eden, it is known that he had three sons with Eve: Abel, Cain and Seth. There is only one sentence in the Bible about Adam’s death:
“So Adam called only nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.”
The lack of data in the Bible was supplemented by written and oral traditions. In Jewish literature, Adam is described as a man who spends the rest of his life in constant repentance, seeking forgiveness from God. Although sinful, he is still a favorite of God, revered for the rest of his life by both men and angels.
He strives to repent by daily fasting, prayer and bathing in the holy river. Adam and Eve first hid in a cave, where they cried incessantly and said:
“We are far from life.”
They were hungry after the seventh day, but they could not find delicious food. What they found was more reminiscent of animal feed. With the set, they remembered how they “ate angel’s food” in Eden.
The Islamic tradition is also quite rich in information about the lives of Adam and Eve after the expulsion from Eden. They had to live apart for 200 years. Eve spent all that time alone in Arabia. Allah expelled Adam to Ceylon. According to Muslim belief, traces of Adam’s feet can still be seen on one Ceylon peak. When he finally arrived in Arabia from Ceylon, Adam built a kabah (an endeavor more often attributed to Abraham). It was only after their reunion that they began to give birth to offspring. According to some Muslim legends, they had 40,000 children.
According to the Hebrew Book of Adam, Adam had only 30 sons and 30 daughters.
God never really abandoned his beloved Adam and Eve, so he sent them angels to help out deal with this new reality. The most important angel in this regard was Archangel Raziel.
According to cabalistic lore, Archangel Raziel was the most ancient cabala teacher, so he developed a very special link to the first human couple. After they realized that they had lacked sufficient knowledge in their efforts to return to Eden, Raziel wrote them a book called Sepher Raziel from which they could study: spiritual laws of nature, life on the Earth, correct use of 22 letters, material and spiritual aspects of existence and many other mundane and spiritual things.
This book had interesting destiny. Adam and Eve were obviously excellent students, so they learned a lot from Raziel’s scriptures, but some unknown envious angels, threw Raziel’s book away into the sea. Luckily, Rava, an ancient being from the oceans’ depths, received an order by God to find this book and return it to Adam and Eve. Enoch, Noah, Abraham and many other famous and also unknown and forgotten human beings have later learned kabala from this book as well. This book has always found a miraculous way back to the mature students.
The magicians naturally took an interest of Adam as well. Adam is one of the main characters in some magical grimoires.
They have noticed that God’s names were important they evoked spirits, conjured their names, in magical formulae and to inflame their souls with love to God.
According to the medieval magicians God’s names were important to Adam. After their expulsion from Eden, according to some magical texts, the angels delivered to him God’s names in order to come back to the paradise.
Back to Raziel. This archangel became a popular reference for cabalists and magicians, and has generated a number of different books on Raziel traditions. One of the more important ones is “Sepher Raziel” or “Liber Solomonis”, an influential Medieval grimoire in the Solomonic tradition probably first compiled in the 13th Century. This book was the source for Trithemius’ “Stenographia” (Sloane MS. 3846 and 3826).
Adam appears as one of the main characters in this book.
The fifth chapter of “Sepher Raziel” argues that the names of Shemhamphorash have power over angels, devils, winds, men, dead, all spirits and bodies. It warns that it should not be showed to all men and neither used without great necessity or anguish. The text however emphasizes that Shemhamphorash is only for virtues persons who practice charity and abstinence, who are meek, true, trustworthy, merciful, clean and patient.
The sixth chapter divides God’s names into the seven Semhamphorash given to Adam and seven Shemhamphorash given to Moses.
The ‘Shemhamphorash of Adam’ comprises a set of seven Shemhamphorash delivered by Adam on seven different occasions when he was interacting with: God; angels; devils and the dead; beasts and spirits; plants (seeds and trees); elements and winds; all things and all work. They are separated into seven groups as follows:
1. Yana – to be used in great necessity meekly and devotedly to the Creator and help will come.
2. Yeseraye – to be conjured when you speak to angels and your question will be fulfilled.
3. Adonay Sabaoth, Adonay Cados and Addonay Amiora – to be conjured when you want to gather winds, devils and spirits.
4. Lagumene, Lanazirni, Lanagelagyn, Laquiri, Lanagala, Lanatozyn and Layfyalasyn – to be conjured to bind or loose beasts.
5. Lyaham, Lyalgana, Lyafar, Viahirab, Lelara, Lebaron, Laasasalos, should be named when you want to bind seeds and trees;
6. Letamynyn, Letaglogen, Letafyryn, Babaganarytyn, Letarinitim, Letagelogyn, Letafalazyn – to be uttered when you want to control winds and elements in order to fulfil all things.
7. Elyaon, Yacna (Yaena?), Adonay, Cados, Ebreel, Eloy, Ela, Agyel, Ayom, Suth, Adon, Sulela, Eloym, Deliom, Yacy, Elyn, Delys, Yacy, Zazael, Paliel, Man, Myel, Enola, Dylatan, Saday, Alma, Paxym, l’re Saena, Alym, Catynal, Vza~, Yaraf, Calpy, Calsas, Safua (or Safna), Nycam, Saday, Aglataon, Sya, Emanuel, Joth, Lalaph, Vm, Via, Tllan, Domyfraël, Muel, Lalialins, Alla, Phenor, Aglata, Tyel, Pyel, Patriceron, Chepheron, Baryon and Yael – to be used in each thing, in all work and time, and upon the 4 elements.
Nevertheless, Adam was not immortal, so even he had to die.
The Jewish scripture, The Cave of Gold, describes in detail Adam’s burial. Adam was buried by four archangels: Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. When it was rumored that he was dying, all the descendants gathered around him (since he lived 930 years, the offspring were numerous). There were his son Seth, Grandson Enos, great-grandson Cainan with his wives and children. The whole family spent 140 days in mourning.
Eve died a year after Adam and was buried in Jerusalem, India or Mecca. Eva spent the rest of her life crying incessantly.
Adam’s adventures continue in another world. In the apocryphal Revelation of Moses, the angel Michael transported Adam to heaven in a chariot of fire.
According to some other apocrypha, Adam failed to avoid going to Hell. According to the Sibyl prophecy, Adam was explicitly represented as the first inhabitant of Hell.
According to the Gospel of Nicodemus, the sufferings of Adam and some other saints who reached hell encouraged Jesus Christ to go there to deliver them from there. Unfortunately, Satan strongly opposed the release of Adam. Christ succeeded in carrying out his intention to deliver Adam from Hell, thanks to an unusual agreement he made with Beelzebub, one of the most powerful fallen angels in the underworld, which resulted in a change of government there. Namely, during his three-day stay in Hell, Christ transferred the authority there to Beelzebub as a sign of gratitude that, despite Satan’s opposition, he allowed him to take Adam and other saints with him from there to Heaven.
Nevertheless, some other writings still place Adam in hell. According to Abraham’s Vow, Adam sits in front of the gates of hell and cries as he watches a large column of people enter hell and happily follows a small number of those who go to heaven.
From cabala tradition comes the notion of Adam Kadmon, Supreme man, Original man or Primordial man. The perfect image of Logos. Represented usually as androgyne. In cabala it correspondences to Kether. The cabalist Isaak Luria saw in Adam Kadmon a mediator between Ain Soph and Sephiroth. Adam Kadmon inspired theologians from different traditions.
Some spirits also like to teach about Adam Kadmon, especially the head of the Earth Zone Tmiti.

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