This is the three letters name of God. In Hebrew it isעלם . Its English epithet is Hidden God. In Latin it is Deus Absconditus. It should be pronounced like Aleme, though it was also suggested to pronounce it like Elem. This name appears as EaLaMey in Abulafia’s Book of Desire (1279), written for those who want to pronounce the 72 letters. Elm is also a magical formula that was revealed to Franz Bardon by a very high spiritual being. Franz Bardon tells ELM helps with working creatively in all spheres.
The Shem angel Elemiah is the bearer of this name. Elemiah is one of the best teachers of earth magic. He teaches about the origin of life on the Earth and other planets. Elemiah makes you optimistic and free from worries. He is also the best teacher of Arabian astrology, medicine, poetry, mathematics, philosophy and culture. He also guards Sabian heritage and wisdom.
Image: The sigil of Elamiah, E.Levi.

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