The Greek philosopher Heraclitus appears to be the first to have used the word “logos” to refer to a rational divine intelligence. According to Philo of Alexandria, Logos is the oldest image of God, and also an intermediary divine being or Demiurge. Logos was a key element in the meditations of Plotinus.
Logos also appears in Corpus Hermeticum. For example, Hermes tells in The Cup or Monad that God did not create the world with hands but with Logos. Hermes Trismegistus has been linked to Logos in Hermetic literature. In the Hellenistic period, as the Logos, he was seen as the interpreter of the divine will to humanity. The Mind of the Absolute (Nous) emits perfected eternal forms of blinding Ray of light, which reproduces its own perfection, the Logos. The Logos or Son is the Word or Reason, is modeled after the Father. It gives shape in the Soul of the World (Anima Mundi), which is the womb or matrix which receives the seed thought, and gives birth to the idea into a manifest form.
Logos has become one of the titles of Jesus Christ. In the Bible it is found in the writings of John (John 1:1-14; 1 John 1:1; Rev. 19:13). In the first chapter of The Gospel According to John, Jesus Christ is identified as Logos incarnated. The first extant Christian reference to the Logos found in writings outside of the New Testament belongs to John’s disciple Ignatius (c 35-108). Following John 1, the early Christian apologist Justin Martyr (c 150) identifies Jesus as the Logos. Dionysius the Areopagite tells in Divine Names that Logos is Almighty God not only because he is provider of reason and mind and wisdom, but because he anticipated the causes of all, solitarily in himself, and because he passes through all, even to the end of all things. Irenaeus (c 130–202) identifies the Logos as Jesus, by whom all things were made, and who before his incarnation appeared to men in the theophany, conversing with with Moses at the burning bush, with Abraham at Mamre, manifesting to them the unseen things of the Father. After these things, the Logos became man and suffered the death of the cross.
Gnostic Basilides of Alexandria, of Syrian origin, lived at the beginning of the 2nd century, wrote 24 books of the Gospels promoting dualism inspired by Zoroastrianism. He said that he possessed a secret that was passed on to him by St. Peter:
– God can only be described through negation because he is separated from the world by a multitude of spiritual levels (heavens) inhabited by spiritual beings.
– The Jewish god (Yahwe), who created the material world, belongs to the lowest rank of spiritual beings.
– In order to redeem human beings, the Supreme God sent his Mind (Nus, Logos) in the form of Christ.
In Sufism, no contact between man and God can be possible without Logos, which is everywhere and always the same, but its personification is unique within each region. Jesus and Muhammad are seen as the personifications of the Logos.
Logos is one of the most holy and sacred names of God according to Liber Juratus. In Thelema, Logos of the present aeon is Thelema. It is the function of a Magus to transmit his word. In Thelema, 2000 years is as one day. The White Brotherhood sends forth one of their fellows every two thousand years, bringing one Word to serve mankind as a new formula of magic, that it may take one further step on the long road that leads to perfection. Logos is also mentioned by Rosicrucians during the consecration of the altar. (An Anthology of Theurgic Operations of the Rose + Croix of the Orient).
There are several variations of this name. Living Logos appears in the Gnostic scripture The Thought of Norea. Untouchable Logos – It mentioned in the Gnostic scripture The Thought of Norea. The In Neoplatonism, Alethos Logos is the Divine Name of Mercury. It means True Word. Logos of Truth, closely related to Alethos Logos, is mentioned in several Rosicrucian rituals. The Rosicrucians have special operation for asking a question to the Logos of Truth. By this, the Rosicrucian theugist seeks to know the Divine Will and his own position in it. During that ceremony, the New Testament is opened at a “random” page. The answer is indicated “randomly” by the index finger. Also One and Only One Divine Logos is mentioned in different Rosicrucian rituals. Dion Fortune tells in Applied Magic that Solar Logos is the God of our Solar System.

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