Magic wand is very much worth using during your evocations of Shem angels. It will make your evocations easier and more powerful. Ask the Shem angels to charge your wand during the evocation. You can use the same wand during all of your Shem rituals and evocations and keep it on your Shem altar. Each of the Shem angels are attracted to a special kind of wood, so the magician who is very advanced in Shem magic may eventually make 72 different magical wands dedicated to each angel. The Shem angels can teach the magician how to prepare the most powerful wands. They would also appreciate if you engrave their names and sigils into the wands, which you have dedicated to them.
Magical links to Shem angels through trees
Shem Angel Tree
1. Veuhiah Laurel – fire magic
2. Jeliel Willow – water magic
3. Sitael Acacia – Masculine energy aligned with the Sun and the element of air. It is used in spells related to protection and psychic power and the dried gum is used as a base for many incenses. … Acacia symbolizes the afterlife.
4. Elemiah Elder – Earth magic
5. Mahasiah Pine – Magic of four elements
6. Lelahel Pomegranate – Love magic
7. Achaiah Baobab
8. Kahetel Beech – Magic of plants
9. Aziel Olive – Magic of Peace
10. Aladiah Cornelian cherry – Healing
11. Lauviah Holly – Protection in general and in wartime
12. Hahaiah Juniper – magical protection against enemies
13. Jezalel Ash – air magic and magic of communication
14. Mebahel Mimosa and Hickory – Justice
15. Hariel Walnut – Magic of cabala
16. Hakamiah Oak – Jupiter Magic
17. Lanoiah/Lauviah/Leviah Ginko and Alder – Magic of art
18. Kaliel Yew – Magical formulae
19. Leuviah Eucalyptus –Magic of intellectual powers
20. Pahaliah Fir – Magic of Celestial Religions
21. Nelekael Hazel – Magic of Hermes Trismegistus
22. Jeiaiel/Ieiaiel Juniper – Saturn magic
23. Melahel Ebony tree – Mercury Magic
24. Hahuiah Shorea – Magic Beyond Saturn and Planetary Influences.
25. Nith-Haiah Kingwood
26. Haaiah Blackthorn – karma
27. Jerathel Jacaranda – Magic of Favours from Very Important Pople.
28. Seeiah Hawthorn – protection
29. Reiiel Ironwood- Magic of Truth
30. Omael Birch
31. Lekabel Apple – love magic
32. Vasariah Rowan – Magic of Protection
33. Jehuaih Mango – Phenomenal magic
34. Lehahiah Tulip tree – Magic of Light
35. Kevakiah Dogwood – Mars magic
36. Menadel Mahogany – Magic of Astronomy and Astrology
37. Aniel Sandalwood- Magic of life mission
38. Haamiah Misteltoe – inner wisdom
39. Rehael Peach – family magic
40. Ieiazel Larch – Magic of materialization and manifestation
41. Hahahel Poplar – extraterrestrial sources. Its airy quality opens up the individual to the highest of influences. Akasha magic
42. Mikael Cinnamon – Magic of power and personal authority
43. Veubiah Lemon – Talismanic Magic
44. Ielahiah Fig
45. Sealiah Palm – Solar magic
46. Ariel Quince – astral magic
47. Asaliah Ash, cherry, fig, oak, rowan and alder – Magic of scrying
48. Mihael Lignum Vitae – Wood of life – Alchemy
49. Vehuel Alder – Magic of divination
50. Daniel Banyan- Divine love and Divine Mercy
51. Hahasiah Elm – psychopomps
52. Imamiah Orange – gives joy and heals depression
53. Nanael Redwood – Mystical union with nature and wild animals. Magic of animals.
54. Nithael Myrtle – Venus Magic
55. Mebaiah Cherry – Fertility and propagation
56. Poiel Lucky Bamboo and parasol – Magic of luck
57. Nemamiah Saint Helena gumwood -very rare tree from a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean. Cryptic people, animals and plants.
58. Jeialel Apricot – The crossroad of magical initiations
59. Harahel Planetree (Sycamore) – Stimulates the mind and intellect
60. Mizrael Myrrh
61. Umabel Bamboo – magic of friendship
62. Jah-Hel Cypress – Magic of teaching
63. Anianuel Money tree and gorse – Magic of wealth
64. Mehiel Hemlock – Here and now
65. Dambabiah Pear or magnolia- Moon Magic
66. Manakel Linden -Dream Magic.
67. Eiaiel Plum – Magic of agriculture
68. Habuiah/Habuhiah Elder – Protection against black magic and evil spirits
69. Rochel Empress tree – purity and morality. Magic of ethics, prudence, virtues and dignity
70. Jabamaih Mulberry – Wisdom, expression and meditation. Magic of Symbols
71. Haiel Cedar – Ceremonial Magic
72. Mumiah Sequoia

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