(A story with a few suggestions how you might contact this highest of the high kings and priests)
Melchizedek was mentioned in the Bible as an enigmatic king and priest of Salem. Abraham was amazed by Melchizedek’s greatness and power. The famous meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek has influenced several cabalistic legends. According to one legend, Melchizedek is the author of Sefer Jetsirah, which describes the creation of the universe through the 10 Sephiroth and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Suitable cabalistic symbols for Melchizedek are cup and bread.
The author of Heb 7:3 affirms of Melchizedek that he was without father or mother or genealogy and that he had neither beginning of days nor end of life, so he continues to be a priest forever. So, when Abraham saw Melchizedek, this mysterious priest and king must have looked eternal to him. Being born before the Flood, Melchizedek must have looked eternal to all other people too.
The Second Book of Enoch (also called Slavonic Enoch) tells how Melchizedek was born of the virgin Sofonim (or Sopanima), the wife of Nir, a brother of Noah. In a mysterious way, Melchizedek appears to be born after the death of his mother or even, how it is also suggested, from his mother’s corpse. Namely, when Nir and Noah came in to bury Sofonim they saw the child sitting beside the corpse with “his clothing on him.” They were terrified because the child was fully developed physically. The child spoke with his lips and he blessed the Lord.
Maybe the most dramatic episode of Melchizedek’s life is described in the Second Book of Enoch. God announced that Melchizedek would become the priest and announced him to be the leader. However, only forty days later, archangel Michael told Niro in a dream that he had come down to take away his son Melchizedek. The next morning Melchizedek disappeared, and Niro died soon after in deep mourning.
However, Melchizedek, suddenly reappeared during the Great flood. He was said to be the one who fed Noah’s animals. After the Flood, according to early Christian tradition, he returned to the Earth, becoming the high priest and king of Salem. The Ethiopian Synaxaryum (Miyazia 6; Pagumen 3) tells that the corpse of Adam was in the Ark of Noah. So, after the Flood, Melchizedek and Shem, guided by an angel of God, buried Adam in the Golgotha, where Christ was later crucified. According to Ethiopian tradition, the tomb of Adam became the temple where Melchizedek ministered his priesthood, and around that place he founded Jerusalem.
Melchizedek’s power was such that he could make great, wonderful and unseen miracles. In the Qumran text, 11QMelch, Melchizedek does not appear as a mortal, but as the supreme being above all other angels. In the Qumran record 11Q13, Melchizedek is addressed with words that usually go with God: El and Elohim. The Jewish philosopher Philo identified him with Logos. In the early Gnostic scripts dating on or before the 4th century from the Nag Hammadi library, Melchizedek is mentioned as the manifestation of God among the people as the holy warrior. In the tractate The Coming of the Son of God Melchizedek, Melchizedek is the same as Jesus Christ. This script describes Melchizedek how he lives, preaches, dies, and is resurrected, and how he will return to bring peace and justice.
On the other side, Melchizedek seems to be either equal or even more powerful than Christ. The early church author Origen considered him to be an angel. Pseudo-Dionysius called him God Hierarch Loved One. For Pseudo-Turtilillianus, Melchizedek was very gracious heavenly force that makes for the angels what Christ does for us humans. Theodotus, a third century Gnostic teacher, argued that there was a force greater than Christ and that this force was Melchizedek. An early Christian community Melchizedeks saw in Mlhizedeku mediator between God and the angels. According to this sect, he was superior to Christ, who is the mediator between God and men.
Melchizedek has attracted the attention of the non-Jewish people too. Phoenician mythology identifies him as the father of the seven angels of presence, while some early Greek authors called him the Prince of Peace.
According to Gnostic lore, Melchizedek had seven sons. One of them, Astanapaeus is both an archon and an angel. As an archon, Astanapaeus guards the third gate of the Aeon of the Archons and as an angel he rules the planet Mercury. According to Ethiopian lore, Melchizedek sent another of his sons Etiel to settle at the source of the Nile. So Etiel was the first one to be called “Ethiops” and he was the progenitor of the Ethiopian people and kings.
Modern theosophists see in Melchizedek an Ascended Master who knows the secret of God, the universe and the history of the planets and is now working to establish Heaven on Earth. According to Theosophy, Jesus is the High Priest of the Melchizedek Order, of which all people, at some level, are the members. Hazel Raven, author of The Angel Bible, notes that Melhizedek helps all the people who are aware of their higher spiritual purpose in their efforts to become workers of light.
The Shem angel Jeialel is the initiator into Melchizedek’s mysteries and the guardian of Melchizedek’s people. Melchizedek might also be the same spirit as Malchjdael, the Aries spirit of Jupiter, mentioned by Franz Bardon. According to Bardon, Malchjdael controls and directs the will and the activity of every human being and all other creatures. William Mistele tells that Malcjdael is perhaps the most powerful spirit in this solar system. I think it is quite probable that Malcjdael lived among us humans very long time ago, during the Biblical time, as Melchizedek. If they are not one and the same, it seems like that Malchdael and Melchizedek at least share the same spiritual root.
Further information about Melchizedek might be obtained through meditation of the relevant names of God, of which the most significant are El Elyon and Elyon. Also, if you want to evoke Melchizedek, you should certainly do it in the name of El Elyon and Elyon.
Melchizedek welcomed Abraham in the name of El Elyon (Gen. 14). In English through the Bible Elyon is named God Most High, like in Psalm 57:2, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” It occurs in Moses’ final song in Deuteronomy 32:8, where it is written, “When the Most High (Elyon) divided nations, he separated the sons of man (Adam), he set the bounds of the masses according to the number of the sons of Israel.” Elyon is sometimes identified with Yahweh, as in 2 Samuel 22:14: “The Lord (IHVH) thundered from heaven and the Most High (Elyon) uttered his voice”. El Elyon is the same as Elyon, with that difference that in it God is emphasized by El. It is used in the Old Testament revealing God is above all gods, that nothing in life is more sacred. The meaning is also that God should be the highest object of our worship. El Elyon is also written in the Psalm 78. It also guards the seventh Psalm serving against enemies and persecutors, according to Salomo Baal-Shem (Qabbalistic Magic). Magical Usage of the Psalms spells it Eel Elion, explains that it means “great, strong, highest God” and tells that it helps you with the seventh Psalm if evil people conspire to render you unfortunate and if your enemies watch for an opportunity to overthrow you.
Elyon appears in the Book of Soyga, in Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras Salomonis regis, in Agrippa’s third book of Occult Philosophy, in Barett’s The Magus, and in many other grimoires. Elion is the God’s name when he revealed on the Mountain Sinai to Moses The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. It is one of the 25 most holy names of God in the prayer from Liber Juratus.
The magicians like using this name in ceremonial magic. It is inscribed in the Amadel altar together with some other God’s names. Grimoire of Honorius instructs that it should be spoken in the circle during the evocation. More specifically, The Key of Solomon tells that Elion should be mentioned by the magician in the circle if he is accompanied by a young boy or a girl. This name appears in the breastplate of Moses and in the General Citation of Moses from the Excerpt of Magical Kabbalah of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. The Necromancer’s Handbook (Clm 849: Fols 3r-108v) tells that it should be used in the Rite for discovering a thief or a murderer by gazing into a vessel.
Elyon is also frequently used in evocations. Munich Manuscript tells that you should invoke spirits with Elyon, while Dr. Faustus Harrowing of Hell suggests that a spirit should be dismissed with this name. It appears in conjuration of spirits in the Grimoire of Armadel. This book presents the Character of Zadkiel, in which Elion is written. Elion also appears as the God’s name in Lemegeton, Goetia, where it should be used in conjurations of spirits. Heptameron instructs that it should be named in exorcisms of spirits of the air. You should say Elion when that spirit makes visible appearance. This God’s name should also be mentioned in conjuration of the Solar intelligence Och, according to The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
Elyon is a very powerful God’s name. The Key of Solomon tells that Moses invoked this name there fell so great hail as had never been seen from the beginning of the world unto that time, so that all men, and herds, and everything that was in the fields perished and died throughout all the land of Egypt. As for its strength, Elyon was used in exorcism, in evocations of dangerous spirits and in necromancy if a spirit is obstinate. For example, The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in exorcisms, while The Necromancer’s Handbook (Clm 849: Fols 3r-108v) instructs that it should be used in evocations of Lillith.
Besides El Elyon, there are several variations of this name. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses and Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras Salomonis regis suggests that Elijon was a name given to Moses. It belongs to the seventh set of Shemhamphoras, and it should be named when you do “something wonderful” or are “in great need.” Eliion appears in the magical circle from The Key of Solomon (M276). It is written as Eleiyon in another magical circle from Kings 288 edition of the same book. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that Eljon should be named when the spirits makes visible appearance.
We find the word Melech in the name Melchizedek, which means King of Justice. Melech in Hebrew it is King. There are many names of God that derive from the word Melech. Any of those names may give you additional information about Melchizedek. With any of those names you may also evoke Melzhizedek. One of those names is Melech Malki Melachim (Melech Ha Melachim), meaning The Highest King over Kings of Kings. It is used to express superiority to the earthly ruler’s title. It is the Holy One. He sits in 390 firmaments in the name of angels that are set in each and every firmament. It is mentioned in the Qamea Formula to gain success and to understand the mysteries. It is also written in another Qamea to gain favour, and also occurs in the Prayer of the Awesome Crown. Arabic version of it is Malik al-Mulk, which is the 84th beautiful name of Allah.
You may also expand the story of Melchizedek by meditation on Melech Olam. This name is mentioned in the Qamea for cure. It means King of the World. It is also mentioned in the Prayer of the Awesome Crown. Written as Melek Ha’Olam, it is the 67th of 72 names of God from Enoch 3. The third choice is Melech Ram Ve-Nissa, which helps to understand in which month certain thing will happen. It means King High and Exalted. The fourth obvious choice is Adonai Malek (Lord and King). From interpreting the Bible, Adonai Melek is identified by some Cabalists as the Angel of IHVH, at the moment when God becomes visible to humans. According to Agrippa, Adonai Melek rules over the Animastics, blessed souls, Issim, nobles, lords and princes and sons of men, Metatron and Moses. Agrippa explains that Adonai Melek gives knowledge and the wonderful understanding of things and prophesy. Adonai Melek is the ruler of Malkuth, the 10th sephira, which is, according to Agrippa, kingdom and empire, church, temple of God, and a gate.
If you are not attracted to any of those mentioned four names of God for your evocations of Melchiezedek, in the Praise of the Divine King from Hekhalot Rabbati, gathered and translated by Salomo Baal Sheml, there are many other variations: Melech Yisrael (King of Israel), Melech Avir (Heroic King), Melech Adir (Wonderful King), Melech Adon (Lord King), Melech Baruch (Blessed King), Melech Bachur (Chosen King), Melech Barng (Shining King), Melech Gadol (Great King), Melech Gibbor (Mighty King), Melech Gaavah (Dignified King), Melech Daat (Omniscient King), Melech Dagul (Distinguished King), Melech Drush (Demanding King), Melech Hadur (Elegant King), Melech Hod (Splendorous King), Melech Hon (Fortunate King), Melech VaAd (Eternal King), Melech Varig (Upright King), Melech VaAd (Eternal King), Melech Zachur (Male King), Melech Zakkai (Innocent King), Melech Zohar (Bright King), Melech Chai (Living King), Melech Chanun (Compassionate King), Melech Chassid (Righteous King), Melech Tov (Good King), Melech Tahor (Pure King), Melech Yashar (Upright King), Melech Yagar (Precious King), Melech Yeshuah (King of Salvation), Melech Kabbir (Tremendous King), Melech Keter (Crowned King), Melech Kavod (Glorious King), Melech Lev (King of the Heart), Melech Legichah (Taking King), Melech Lohet (Scalding King), Melech Mevin (Understanding King), Melech Morish (Expelling King), Melech Maashir (Wealthy King), Melech Nach (Pleasant King), Melech Ne’eman (Reliable King), Melech Netzach (Eternal King), Melech Sod (Secret King), Melech Aluy (Neglected King), Melech Ozer (Helpful King), Melech Anav (Humble King), Melech Pe’er (Beautiful King), Melech Palar (Detached King), Melech Pudah (Redeeming King), Melech Tzaddig (Righteous King), Melech Tzahalah (Rejoicing King), Melech Tzach (Unblemished King), Melech Qadosh (Holy King), Melech Qaruy (Close King), Melech Qalus (Praised King), Melech Rinah (King of Songs), Melech Rachum (Compassionate King), Melech Rach (Tender King), Melech Shomea (Listening King), Melech Shoget (Silent King), Melech Shaanan (Serene King), Melech Taar (Shaping King), Melech Tam (Perfect King), Melech Tomech (Supportive King), and Baruch Hu (Blessed be He).
If the Hebrew word for King does not align with your ear in terms of your magic, it is also possible to meditate about Melchizedek by conjuring the names of God that signify King or Priest in your local languages. The reason for this is, of course, in it that Malchizedek was both the highest Kind and the highest Priest. There are also many such names to chose from.
Enoch 1 tells that King is the way how Suryal, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel address to God. King is also the 62nd name of God in Ramon Llull’s poem On God. Llull equates him with Jesus Christ and tells that God is King of all that is possible foe which reason he became a man. Llull aids that since God is the king of the beginning, the middle and the end, he acts beyond the course of nature.
King is a name of God that appears in many different forms: King Eternal Immortal Invisible, King Forever and Ever, King of all the Earth, King of Glory, King of Heaven, King of Israel, King of Saints, Celestial King, Faithful King, Highest King, King of Every Virtue, King of Kings, King of Life, King of Peace, King of Salem, King of the Aeons, King of the Ages, King of the Sea, King of the Universe, etc.
The Latin versions for King appearing in magical and mystical texts include: Rex, Rex Regum, Deus Rex Coelestis, and Deus Rex Dominator.
In The Sword of Moses, God is called: King of the Universe, King of the World, Merciful King, Gracious King, Living King, Humble King, Righteous King, Lofty King, Flawless King, Honest King, Mighty King, Chosen King, Proud King, etc. The Sword of Moses is also a unique source for barbaric names of God that signify King: ATHhU, CHRUSGHURI, HUZGH, PSQThIH, PThRIS Hupihu, QthThHGThHI, ROPQtzIUHIH, SPQHPIH, SPTHUThHU, TZHPRHU HUH, UUL, ZHUGHhGHH, YHWGH HW ’L YH, P’ZWGH WH WW ’L YH, ZHWT GYHH ’L YH, SHBRWHW HWH ’L YH, SPT HWTHW ’L YH, QGYWHY HW HY ’L YH. SHRW SGHWRY ’L YH, SPQS HPYHWHH ’L YH, QTTHW GTHY ’L YH, PTRYS HZPYHW ’L YH, R‘PQ S.YWYHYH ’L YH, and H WSH YHWHY ’L YH. Animan and Yvestre are also barbaric names for King.
Finally, the priestly role of Malchizedek can be revealed by Priest and High Priest. Mentioned in Heb. 7:17, 21, Priest refers to Jesus Christ, “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever.” Priest is also the 62nd God’s name according to Slavic Miscellany for Travelers. It is mentioned in the Conjuration of the sword from Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2). The Latin word for Priest, Saceros, is a God’s name from Book of Sogya, which explains that God is priest, worth above all other worthy priests. Saceros is also mentioned in a conjuration from Grimoire of Honorius. The French edition of Grimoire of Honorius from 1800 mentions it as one of the 72 names of God.
High Priest as a name of God also most often refers to Jesus Christ, for example in Demonstratio Evangelica written by the Church father Eusebius, who tells that Jesus is High Priest of every creature that has mind and reason. This name of God is mentioned in the Catholic prayer for a priest. It forms a few different God’s names, such as High Priest of Good Things to Come, High Priest over the House of God. The most interesting of them in terms of obtaining more information about Melchizedek is the High Priest Forever after the Order of Melchizedek.
For those of you who like Tarot, the High Priest may further reveal to you many other secrets about Melchizedek. Alternatively, one of the four Kings could also be a source of valuable information, depending on what aspects of Melchizedek you are looking for.
Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek – by Dieric Bouts the Elder, 1464–1467.

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