This is the three letters name of God. In Hebrew it is לאו. Its English epithet is Exalted God. In Latin it is Deus Exaltandus. It is pronounced like Lahava, but Lav was also suggested. This name appears as LaAaVa in Abulafia’s Book of Desire (1279), written for those who wants to pronounce the 72 letters.
The 11th and the 17th Shem angels with the same name Lauviah are the bearers of this name. Evoke the 11th Shem angel Lauviah if you are in danger and if you need courage and energy to win your battles, finish your hard work or solve some difficult problems. Evoke the 17th Shem angel Lauviah if you are being lost, stuck in a traffic jam, coming late, being in danger or having suicidal thoughts.
This name, written as LAW was also revealed to Bardon by a very high spiritual being. Bardon tells that this formula makes walking on water and all kinds of water miracles. He also tells that Moses was able to divide the Red Sea by the help of this formula.
According to some authors, Leuviah is a male angel who has a twin sister and she is the Shem angel Leuviah (number 17). People confuse them all the time, so both of them appear similarly looking in many different angelic cards.
There is also the third Shem angel with almost the same name. He is Leuviah (no. 19).
The magicians should be careful not to get confused whom of those three angels they are evoking, since it is not rare to mix them up during evocations.
Leuviah’s three-letter name is LUU (No. 19), while Lauviah (No.11) and Lauviah (No. 17) have the same three-letter names LAU.

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