11th Fields of Magic – Magical Protection in Wartime
The Shem angels are peace bringers. When they engage at war, it is to make it end fast and to protect the people they love. This field of magic exists because the Mercurial spirits found it necessary. It is not that they like it.
So here is how you might help.
The best Shem angels to evoke at war are:
– Lauviah – soldiers, officers and protection in general
– Hakamiah – infantry and artillerymen
– Kevakiah – camaraderie
– Nemamiah – protection in general
– Mebahel – protection in general
– Ielahiah – protection in general
– Haiel – victories
Pother is the best protector in wartime and the mightiest patron of officers and soldiers among the 360 heads of the Earth Zone.
The best wartime protectors are the following genii of the Moon Zone:
– Enchede – survival and victories
– Eneye – victories
– Enchede – prisoners of war
– Emzhom – destruction of enemies
– Liteviche – winning with magical formulae.
Acolom is the best protector in wartime from the Venus Zone.
Some of the best protectors are spirits from the Mars Zone. Even if you have not evoked anyone of them yet, remember to protect yourself additionally with Martian pentacles during wartime!
This magical field is separated from the field of magical protections, because magic at war totally differs from magic in peace and acquires different measures.
Let’s hope that magic of peace prevails in the whole world.

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