Kether is the first sephira in The Tree of Life and the first plane of Divine manifestation in the Universe. This is the Crown of the Universe, the purest expression of Divine Light and the sphere of union, in which all beings live in the perfect unity and harmony with each other.
Ambelain describes it as Horizon of Eternity in his conjuration of angels. According to Ambelain, names of God for Kether are: Eheieh, Yod and Yoh. The cabalist William Grey says that God said in Kether “Let it be light!”, and while creating Yesod, “Let it be Life!”
In cabala lore, Eheieh is the God’s name of the first path from Kether to Chokmah. Eheieh is often equaled with Ancient of Days, who refers to the most primary source of creation in the divine will of Kether. Spepher Raziel calls Ancient of Days Atika Kadisha. In Kabbalah Unveiled, its Hebrew name is Authiq Iomin.
Bachour is the God’s name of the second path from Kether to Binah, governed by Biah. Ambelain tells that it signifies God of Wisdom or Light.
Cabalists have regarded Adam Kadmon as the first of Four Worlds that came into being after the contraction of God’s infinite light, sometimes, they corresponded it to the totally of the ten sephiroth, and sometimes in a single sephirah, such as Kether. Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov gaves in his book Angels and other Mysteries of The Tree of Life this description of Adam Kadmon: “Adam Kadmon is the cosmic man. His body is formed by the constellations and worlds. He is the first being created by God. God is beyond the created universe, beyond the sephirah, Kether; and Adam begins in Kether; Kether is the head of Adam Kadmon.”Tree of Life also describes the microcosm of the human body, in which Kether can refer the top of the head or to be just above the head.
C.Knorr von Rosenrott in “Cabala Denudata” (1684) mentions that quicksilver of philosophers falls down from Kether to lower heavens as nectar or Rosencreutz. Many great painters of the Middle Ages were inspired from unconscious visits to this realm.
Amen is the title for Kether, which also has several cabalistic epithets like: Smooth Point (Nequdah Peshutah), Primordian point (Nequdah Rashunah), White Head (Risha Havurah), The ancient One (Authiq or Atik), The Concealed of the Concealed (Temira De−Temirin), and The Ancient of the Ancient Ones (OThIQA DOThIQIN, Authiqa De−Authiqin).
Logn Face (Arikh Anpin) is the aspect of Kether which looks down. It is Macroposoput. It reveals God’s will and ultimate mercy to the universe. Arikh is metaphorically said to have a long beard descending down to His navel which is subdivided into thirteen parts. These thirteen parts are the thirteen attributes of mercy that God revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
Aba (Father) is Partsuf of Chokmah that looks up to the lower Partsuf of Kether. It is also the secret name of the world of Atziluth.
The most famous angel from Kether is Metatron. He lived as Enoch in our world, and was brought up to Kether while being still alive in the Chariot of Fire. He was welcomed there by Achatriel. Elijah was another man who ascended to Heaven on his way to become archangel Sandalphon, and that is when he also saw Achatriel surrounded by 120 myriads of ministering angels.
Several Shem angels (especially the first 10) are excellent teachers of Kether. For instance, Sitael reveals cosmic secrets about Logos, Ain Soph Aur and Kether. Elemiah explains the origins of Geburah mysteries, which are in Kether. Mahasiah’s most ancient schools and temples are in Kether’s original center of unity which holds all opposite forces together preventing them to go their own separate ways.
Accoding to the modern Hermetist Tom deLiso, Kether can be looked at as being the ideal human society or form. Tom deLiso tells that “many writings portray this sphere as a divine, holy place that is indescribable, filled with angels and energy beings of light and love.., but Kether is a human place too filled with human forms.”
The Clavicle of Solomon tells that Kether should be named in the Ritual of love and advancement. Kether was also mentioned twice as a God’s name in The 6th and 7th Books of Moses. Variations of this name include Cether and Keth. Both appear in The 6th and 7th Books of Moses. This book tells that Cether is the 31st and Keth i the 30th God’s name.