Tradition and usage:
– Enoch tradition
– Merkavah tradition
– Cabala tradition
– Moses tradition
– Sword rituals
– Evocation of angels
It is 44th of 72 names of God from Enoch 3. It is mentioned in Ma’ash Merkabah. Merkavah Rabba tells that this is one of the 70 names written in God’s heart and one of the names from 70 or alternatively 72 letters written in God’s forehead. This name appears in the conjuration of angels from Sword of Moses (Appendix 2). Z has lemon yellow color. The magician should extend this color to the whole room, in the whole universe, in the body as internal hollow space and also know how to inductively and deductively materialize and dematerialize it (Bardon KTQ). It is associated with the air element and should be practiced on the lung region.
Zain is the Hebrew letter. Sepher Yetzirah tells that it is predominant in movements, that it created Gemini, Sivan in the year and the left foot. P.F. Case associates it with the Lovers of Tarot and Disposing Intelligence.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Gambling
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aniquel
This word appears in the spell, which the person should speak when wishing to win at cards or another game, or he should carry it with him, written on virgin parchment. This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aniquel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
Tradition and usage:
– Evocations
A variation of Sabaoth. Grimoire of Honorius instructs that it should be said in the circle during the evocation.
For more see: Sabaoth.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
See: Sabaoth.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aniquel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aniquel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Sword rituals
– Angelic evocations
This name appears in the conjuration of angels from Sword of Moses (Appendix 2).
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus.
Tradition and usage:
– Shem magic
– Japanese culture and mysteries
– Solar magic
The 48th God’s name according to Kircher and the 48th quantity key according to Bardon, linked to Mihael. Kircher links Zaca to Japan.
In the name of Zaca, Mihael is the main guardian of all Solar gates in the universe, including the ones from our own Sun. This angel is respected as one of the mightiest kings of the Sun. Mihael represents some of the best aspects of the Sun and he likes to teach people how to reach the Solar level of consciousness. He can help your advance towards the Lesser Face or Microprosopos (or Melek-King), which extends from Binah to Malkuth with Tipharet in the center.
Tradition and usage:
– Psalm magic
– Against enemies
As a guardian of the 48th Psalm, Zach helps to frighten your enemies. (Salomo Baal-Shem, Qabbalistic Magic).
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name of God appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 26). It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Book of Magic
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 18)
Tradition and usage:
– Evocations of Usiel
The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations of Usiel.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Blood rituals
Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the exorcism of the bat.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Performing wonders
The God’s name of Shemhamphorash of Moses is from Sepher Raziel. It belongs to the fourth of seven set of Shemhamphoras. It fulfills any question you are asking. This is what Moses said when his staff changed into a serpent.
Tradition and usage:
– Moon magic
– Evocation osf Phul and in general
– Wealth
This God’s name should be mentioned in conjuration of the Lunar intelligence Phul, according to The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in Conjuration 2 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits.
It is very closely related to Zaday.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Mephistophiles
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Mephistophiles is conjured with this name.
Zaday (Zadai)
Tradition and usage:
– Moon magic
– Faust tradition
– Wealth
– Evocation of Phul, Jeha, Barbuel, Ariel and in general
Zaday should be mentioned in conjuration of the Lunar intelligence Phul, according to The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses. It appears in the 11th Table of Spirits in conjuration of the spirit Jeha. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that Zadai should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in Conjuration 2 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Barbuel and Ariel should be evoked with this name.
Zaddik (Zadikh)
See: Yesod.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aziabel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aziabel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Moon magic
– Evocations of Phul and spirits in general
– Controlling spirits
– Wealth
This God’s name should be mentioned in conjuration of the Lunar intelligence Phul, according to The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in Conjuration 2 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold.
Tradition and usage:
– Licence to depart
The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that the spirit should be dismissed with this name.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– Salt rituals
It appears in the Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) in the Benediction of the salt.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s face.
Zaharariel – Ve
Tradition and usage:
– Merkavah tradition
– Evocations
It is mentioned in the invocation of Suryah, if you wish to ascend to Merkavah . (Salomo Baal-Shem, Qabbalistic Magic).
Tradition and usage:
– Sumerian
– Necronomicon tradition
– Against enemies
The 23rd name of Marduk. Enuma Elish lists 50 of his names. Simon Necronomicon describes Zahrim as the most terrible opponent. Necronomicon Textbook tells that it kills slowly your enemy.
Tradition and usage:
– Sumerian
– Necronomicon tradition
– Against enemies
The 22nd name of Marduk. Enuma Elish lists 50 names of his names. Simon Necronomicon tells that he is Warrior among Warriors. According to Necronomicon Textbook it can destroy an entire army if the priest so desires.
Tradition and usage:
– Islamic tradition
– Scrying
It is used in scrying from The Forbidden Grimoire of Harut and Marut.
Tradition and usage:
– Cabala tradition
– Working with angels
Rabbi Ishamael tells that seven seals should be named in the presence of a mighty angel with this name.
Tradition and usage:
– Cabala tradition
You should mentioned Zahuziah when you place the Awesome Crown on your head. This ritual is performed only when you need a high spiritual power to high spiritual aims, such as attaining divine wisdom. This ritual may bring you in contact with the Divine power invested in you. Rabi Yishmael warns that everyone who uses them without speaking prayers over them will terminate his life. The Great Seal is the Seal of Solomon and the Awesome Crown is related to Keter. By the authority of the Awesome Crown, and in the name of Zahuziah , you can invoke Shehadriel. (Salomo Baal-Shem, Qabbalistic Magic).
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Getting what you ask
The God’s name of Shemhamphorash of Moses from Sepher Raziel. It belongs to the fifth of seven sets of Shemhamphoras. Mention it, so that you will get what you ask from God.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 16)
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Against enemies
This name appears in the the Excerpt of Magical Kabbalah of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Moses was said to cause cattle plague, boils and hail with this name.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Writing
Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the reed ritual.
According to Ambelain, Zakai is the God’s name of the seventh path from Binah to Tiphareth, governed by Ziah. Ambelain tells that it signifies God of Thundar. (Practical Qabbalah).
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision, to see God face to face, to cleanse your conscious, to be taught and instructed by God, and to retain this and other Divine names in memory. It also appears in The Sworn Book of Honorius (Oration 12).
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Barbuel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Barbuel should be evoked by this name while standing inside a circle specially arranged for that purpose.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Licence to depart
This name appears in the Dismissal of Moses from the Excerpt of Magical Kabbalah of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Writing
Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the reed ritual.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aniquel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aniquel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Fulfilling the work
The God’s name of Shemhamphorash of Moses from Sepher Raziel. It belongs to the first of seven sets of Shemhamphoras. It should be named devoutly, and your work will be fulfilled. This is the name Moses said when he ascended the hill and spoke to God.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face. It also appears in Liber Juratus (Hebrew Oration).
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Ars Notoria.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– In great danger
It is mentioned in Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) that this name should be named in great danger.
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name of God appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 26). It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Oration 10 from The Sworn Book of Honorius.
It also appears in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision.
Tradition and usage:
– Against weapons
It is mentioned in The Enchiridion of Leo III a spell intended to prevent wounds by weapon.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 16)
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Oration 16 from The Sworn Book of Honorius.
It also appears in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision.
Zamathamar (Zamachamar)
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Liber Juratis (Oration 10). It also appears in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Ars Notoria.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 16)
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– Truth
It appears in The Magical Treaties of Solomon (MS Bononiensis Univers. 3632),
in order to force a spirit to tell the truth.
– Visions
– Enlightenment
– Memory
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for Divine vision and Divine enlightenment, to see God face to face, to cleanse your conscious, to be taught and instructed by God, and to retain this and other Divine names in memory.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oratio 16)
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name appears in Ars Notoria (Oratorio 11) It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Praying
The Key of Solomon instructs that it should be mentioned in the prayer.
Zanaile (Zanailc)
Tradition and usage:
– Wisdom
This name appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 8). It should be recite in order to gain wisdom and the knowledge of God. It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 8)
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Oration 10 from The Sworn Book of Honorius.
It also appears in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision.
Zandac (Zandach, Zunday)
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic magic
– Blood rituals
The Key of Solomon instructs that it should be mentioned in the Exorcism of the bat and other winged animals.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Greek Magical Papyri
This word appears in the prayer to the Holy God and Eternal Rural (PMG I. 195-222).
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Fulfilling desire
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses instructs that you should mention this name of God in the General Citation to fulfill your desire.
Tradition and usage:
– Evocations of spirits
– Controlling spirits
– Wealth
The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in Conjuration 2 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 26)
– Wisdom
– Vision
This name appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 8). It should be recited in order to gain wisdom and the knowledge of God. This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 18)
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name of God appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 26). It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 16)
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name of God appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 26). It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oration 16)
Tradition and usage
– Jupiter magic
This is the Divine Name of Jupiter, according to Aurum Solis.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aniquel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aniquel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Truth
It appears in The Magical Treaties of Solomon (MS Bononiensis Univers. 3632),
in order to force a spirit to tell the truth.
Tradition and usage:
– Psalm magic
– Protecting soldiers
– Wartime
This is the God’s name from Magical Usage of the Psalms. This book explains that it helps with the 60th Psalm if you are a soldier in an army and are about marching into the field.
Zariatnatmik (Zariatnatmis)
Tradition and usage:
– Pact with Lucifage
It is mentioned in Grand Clavicle in the context of making a pact with Lucifage.
It also appears in Grand Grimoire.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– Salt rituals
It appears in the Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) in the Benediction of the salt.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Evocation of Aniquel
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. Aniquel should be evoked by this name with his seal or character.
Zaron (Zuson, Zuzon, Zusson)
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Writing
The Key of Solomon tells that it should be named in the lime ceremony to obtain the effect with writing.
Tradition and usage:
– Islamic tradition
– Evocation
It appears in Method on utilization of Zawilah from The Forbidden Grimoire of Harut and Marut.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Fulfilling desire
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses instructs that you should mention this name of God in the General Citation to fulfill your desire.
Tradition and usage:
– Exorcism
– Evocations of Enoch and spirits in general
– Wealth
It should be named in the exorcism according to The True Petition of the Jesuits. This name is mentioned in the 4th conjuration from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold. Enoch is specifically conjured in this seal.
Zathana (Zachana)
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
This God’s name appears in Ars Notoria. It is the same as Zachana, how it is written in Liber Juratus.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Ars Notoria
Tradition and usage:
– Cabala tradition
– Wanting attention
It is mentioned in the Segullah to be heard.
Tradition and usage:
– Faust tradition
– Binding spirits
This name appears in D. I. Faust, Citation of the Seven Great Princes. It should be mentioned to bind the spirits.
Tradition and usage:
– Merkavah tradition
It is mentioned in the invocation of Suryah, if you wish to ascend to Merkavah . (Salomo Baal-Shem, Qabbalistic Magic).
Tradition and usage:
– Psalm magic
– Against enemies
– Solomonic tradition
– Great revelations
This is the God’s name from Magical Usage of the Psalms. This book explains that it helps with the Psalms 41 to 43 when enemies have caused you to be mistrusted. Zawa is also the God’s name when he revealed on the Mountain Sinai to Moses The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
Tradition and usage:
– Moses tradition
– Evocations of spirits
This name appears in the General Citation of Moses on all Sirits from the Excerpt of Magical Kabbalah of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
– Moon magic
– Evocation of Phul and in general
– Cabala tradition
– Visions
– Wanting attention
– Controlling spirits
– Wealth
This God’s name should be mentioned in conjuration the Lunar intelligence Phul, according to The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses. This name of God is mentioned in Oration 10 from The Sworn Book of Honorius. It also appears in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision. It is also mentioned in the Segullah to be heard. The True Petition of the Jesuits instructs that it should be named in the evocations when commending the spirits. This name appears in Conjuration 2 from Verus Jesuitarum Libellus. By this name spirits are called to bring one million of the best Spanish gold.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Ars Notoria
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for a Divine vision, to see God face to face, to cleanse your conscious, to be taught and instructed by God, and to retain this and other Divine names in memory. It also appears in The Sworn Book of Honorius (Oration 12).
Tradition and usage:
– Evocations
In the name of Zaz, you should evoke the Prince of the Countenance (Salamo
Baal – Shem, Qabbalistic Magic).
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Writing
Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the reed ritual.
Tradition and usage:
– Adam tradition
– Aron tradition
– Each thing
– Four elements
– Beginnings
– Binding and unbiding animals
– Evocations of spirits
The God’s name of Shemhamphorash of Adam from Sepher Raziel. It belongs to the seventh of seven sets of Shemhamphoras. It should be used in each thing, in all work and time, and with the 4 elements. It is also the God’s name of Shemhamphorash of Adam from The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, where it also belongs to the seventh of seven sets of Shemhamphoras, but it should be named in the beginning of each undertaking. It also appears in the same position in Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras Salomonis regis. This name appears in the the Excerpt of Magical Kabbalah of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Aron’s son Eleazar was said to bound and unbound animals with those name. This name appears in the General Citation of Moses on all Spirit in the same book.
– Visions
– Wisdom
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– In great danger
It is mentioned in Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) that this name should be named in great danger.
Tradition and usage:
– Solomon tradition
– Aron
– Fulfilling anything
This name appears in the Excerpt from The True Key of Solomon and of the Gridle of Aron published The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. It helps you to fulfill whatever you like, but you must stand upon a prominent rock, hold a palm-twig in your right hand, and wear a wreath of laurel around the temple. Then turn toward the East and say this word.
– Wisdom
– Visions
This name of God appears in Liber Juratus (Oration 26). It is also mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for wisdom and to meet God’s most glorious face.
– Visions
This name of God is mentioned in Edition of The Sworn Book of Honorius, based on MS. Royal 17 A xlii. It should be recited if your request is made for to meet God’s most glorious face.
Tradition and usage: Uncertain
Source: Liber Juratus (Oratio 16)
Tradition and usage:
– Solomonic tradition
– Blood rituals
Greater Key of Solomon (Book 2) tells that it should be used in the exorcism of the bat.