Divine Providence and Divine Majesty
Those two names are closely related as they signify the same; and that it that the presence of God is everywhere, in distant stars as well as in every little thing in our world.
Franz Bardon has mentioned Divine Providence in his work. He tells that fate has no influence on the advanced cabalist who he has only to justify himself before Divine Providence.
Divine Providence was mentioned in The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus who said that it is displayed in all nature. It is also mentioned by Dionysius the Areopagite in his Divine Names. This book tells that all existing things are in Divine Providence. Divine Providence (Hashgochoh Protis or Hashgachah Pratit) is also discussed throughout Rabbinic literature, and by the classical Jewish philosophers. These writings maintain that Divine providence means that God is directing (or even recreating) every detail of creation.
The Latin West was mostly influenced by the thought of Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica that Divine Providence is a loving care exercised by God over the whole Universe and people. In the doctrine of Eastern Orthodoxy Divine Providence wisely rules over everything and nothing happens by chance. In Lutheran theology, Divine Providence refers to God’s preservation of creation, his cooperation with everything that happens, and his guiding of the universe. Calvinism emphasizes the complete sovereignty of God, so the every soul that he has created is guided by his will or providence. Leonardus Lessius (1554-1623) tells in his book The Names of God that God is so called because there is none to which he has not given also its particular character, its inclinations, its powers, its instruments or organs, all of which are in ab- solute harmony with the functions they are to fulfil. The Swedish mystic E. Swedenborg wrote a book with the title Divine Providence. Swedenborg tells that all things in the Universe were created by Divine love and wisdom, which is Divine Providence. He said that Divine Providence has for its object a heaven from the human race. Divine Providence is also mentioned in John Dee’s diaries.
Even though Divine Majesty already appears in Enoch 3 and was also mentioned in John Dee’s scriptures in the preliminary invocation for rituals summoning the Heptarchial Kings and Princes, it was mostly underlined by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), founder of the Jesuits. In his teaching, Divine Majesty imply the same as Divine Providence. While he was giving his men in Spiritual Exercises some advice about preaching, he also mentioned Divine Majesty: “Though the zealous service of God our Lord out of pure love should be esteemed above all, we ought also to praise highly the fear of the Divine Majesty. For not only filial fear but also servile fear is pious and very holy.” He then told young Jesuits that they should practice the seeking of God’s presence in all things, “in their conversations, their walks, in all that they see, taste, hear, understand, in all their actions, since His Divine Majesty is truly in all things by his presence, power, and essence.” This name is also said in a cabalistic prayer by Ambelain in his Practical Kabbalah II.