Several Spirits of Nature

Let’s meet some spirits of nature:

– Af Briya and Matarel, rulers of rain;

– Adyuchas, genius of stones;

– Alpiel, Ilaniel and Eirnilus, rulers of fruit;

– Arias, the angel who rules over sweet-smelling herbs;

– Zuflas, angel of the forest;

– Makthiel, the angel of the trees;

– Altarib, Ctariel, Attarib, Schlagiel and Amabiel, angels of winter;

– Amatiel and Caracass, angels of spring;

– Casmaran, Gargatel, Gaviel, Tariel and Tubiel, angels of summer;

– Andarkel and Meleyal, angels of autumn;

– Anahit, Cahethel and Habuh, spirits helping the peasants;

– Anpiel and Auphiel, guardians of birds;

– Bartender, animal angel; – Dora, the Persian angel who inspires the exploration of rivers;

– Rosabis – spirit of metal;

– Saaphiel – hurricane spirit;

– Sawael – spirit of springs

– Schiekron – protector of wild animals;

– Shazkiel – protector of aquatic animals;

– Sislau – guardian of poison;

– Suphlatus – guardian of dust.

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