The Sun, Venus and the Horses
Horses are some of the solar genius Dubezh’s most favourite animals. They were attributed to the sun god Apollo. The prophets Enoch and Elijah ascended to heaven in the chariot of fire carried by the white horses. There are many kinds of horses on the Sun. Some of them look like ours, but there are also pegasuses, horses walking on two legs, and giant purple horses with twelve wings and three tails. Most of the horse species that were extincted on our planet, also found their ways to settle on the Sun. Dubezh is also the protector of all horse herders in and around the Sun Zone. One of the pathways leading from Venus to the Sun is guarded by the horse herder Zakarye. He is a man in his 60s. He is wearing old Shepard’s clothing and holding a cane. His eyes are blue flames Eyes of his horses look like his. He told about himself that he knew everything about equines on most dimensions. Zakarye tells when adepts from our world travel through the Tree of Life, some of them fall or do not make it through. If they get stuck somewhere between the Sun and Venus, Zakarye’s horses would collect their souls.