The following sets of seals and sigils have so far been used for evocations of the Shem angels:
1. Sigils from Antoine-René d’Argenson’s “The Arsenal 2495 Manuscript”. D’Argeson gave a powerful warning against those sigils: “This magic is so dark and terrible that it cannot be more than that”. His manuscript was one of the main sources for Lazare Lenain’s book “La Science Cabalistique” from the early 19th Century. Lazare Lenain left the description of the Shem angels, but did not publish their seals, probably because he had already known about their bad reputation. Robert Ambelain later argued that without those seals, Lenain’s work was unusable, so he disclosed them in his book “Practical Kabbalah.” However, Ambelain left in his later edition of the same book (December 1989) a very alarming statement that those seals had been incorrectly attributed to the 72 Divine names for which reason they had caused, among other things, cancer and suicidal obsession. Understandibly, the concerned magical community developped a discussion about those, if they were good and safe to use. The seals from the recent Brand’s books have been shaped after the “Arsenal 2495 Manuscript” and also after Ambelain, but are contained into hexagram, square and circle, probably to ensure that they are safe to use.
2. Dr Rudd’s manuscript “Harley 6482” includes the seals of 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash alongside with the seals of 72 spirits of the Goetia. Dr Rudd’s Shem seals consist of the Shem’s names and relevant Psalms’ verses.
3.. Éliphas Lévi (1810-1875), a French occult author and ceremonial magician, wrote in the “Doctrine of Transcendental Magic” that the name of Jehovah resolves into 72 explained names, called Shemahamphorash. According to Lévi, the art of employing these 72 names and discovering therein the keys of universal science is the art which is called the “Keys of Solomon.” He delivered in his book “Clefs Majeurs et Clavicules de Salomon” 36 powerful double-talismans of Shemhamphorash angels. Lévi’s 36 double talismans can also be use separately as 72 sigils, as they have proved to be very efficient during Shem evocations. In our book they stand next to the sigils which were used by Franz Bardon
4. Franz Bardon gave 72 sigils of the Mercury spirits, which are different from all other sources.
5. Some Golden Dawn members, like Nick Farell, draw sigils of Shem angels from the Symbol of the Rose and Cross
I have used with my friends all of the five different sets of seals, but I decided two give the priority to the ones which had been used by Eliphas Levi and Franz Bardon, as they are without any doubts safe to use.
Place Bardon’s sigil right to Levi’s seal during your evocations. You may also use them directly from this book, or directly from Levi’s and Bardon’s book. Do not forget to close the book once you finish with the ceremony. If you use seals or sigils printed off or drawn by yourself, keep them in a special magical box.
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